Mass effect altahe map
Mass effect altahe map

mass effect altahe map

Side Missions are broken up into several types in the Journal. Travel to the Acheron system of the Styx Theta cluster and land on Altahe. 1 Mass Effect 1.1 Character-Specific Assignments 1.1.1 Shepard's Background 1.1.2 Squad Member Assignments 1.2 Citadel Assignments 1.2.1 General 1.2.2 Second Visit 1.2.3 Detainee Visit 1.3 Charted Planet Assignments 1.3.1 Feros 1.3.2 Noveria 1.3.3 Virmire 1.4 Galaxy-Wide Assignments 1.4.1 Galaxy Collection Assignments 1.4.2 Uncharted Space Assignments 1.4.3 Morality-dependent Assignments … zhoban 10 Posted March 8, 2012. The final Assignment in the mod (given just before assaulting Cerberus Headquarters) tasks you with finding and raiding the station.

mass effect altahe map

With the presence of rachni confirmed, you’re now tasked with finding the nest and eradicating the source. Citadel N7 Missions involve Cerberus and mainly come from Specialist Traynor in the CIC. Make your way to the Listening Post at the southern end of the map.

mass effect altahe map

If the rachni queen was killed in the first Mass Effect, then in Mass Effect 3 the Reapers will construct an artificial queen so they can have a rachni army to turn into Ravagers. If you spared the Rachni queen in the original Mass Effect, the Reapers find it and indoctrinate her children, although not herself. For Mass Effect 3 on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Rachni vs. Rachni soldiers emerge from the mounds of … SPOILERS FROM WIKI If the Rachni Queen dies, then the Reapers will construct an artificial queen so they can have a rachni army to turn into Ravagers. This assignment is available once the Noveria storyline mission has been completed.

mass effect altahe map

I mean I have marked all Mineral Locations, Plot points, and have marked where to find the items needed for Asari Writings, Salarian ID Tags and League Medallions.Shepard has a choice to either save the queen (sacrificing Aralakh Company) or let her die (saving Aralakh Company). When I say “Points of Interest” I don’t just mean the ‘points of interest’ marked by ‘X’s on the map. This guide provides all the (land-able) planets maps and are marked with all the points of interest. If you’re anything like me, you have a hard time finding all the important spots on planets.

Mass effect altahe map